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Organise I Optimise I Innovate


FixIt Marketing provides strategic planning, integrated direct marketing campaign management including conversion and retention programs, direct marketing & fundraising consultancy, content gathering, and video production services to not-for-profit and other organisations.

The Wall of Ideas
Business Team
Meeting your needs

FixIt Marketing draws on years of experience and modern & evolving skills in direct marketing and fundraising techniques to deliver practical and efficient solutions. We're constantly learning and evolving with market trends.


We excel in efficient, hands-on campaign project management, post campaign analysis, copy writing, telemarketing & regular giving or membership program management and short to medium term strategic planning. We're also experienced in conversion and supporter retention journeys. 

Analyzing the data

Strategic Planning

Strategic Plans and Budget Forecasting

We can build easy to understand strategic plans for one to three years, and customise budget planning to go with it.

Business Team

Campaign Management

Direct Marketing Campaign Project Management

We specialise in expert direct marketing campaign project management, including post-campaign analysis.

Going Over Data

Ongoing Consultancy

Short term contracts

Need someone to fill a gap, maternity or extended leave contract? We can step in and deliver direct marketing and fundraising management services. 

Leather Camera

Content Gathering

Content optimised for use.

We'll go where you need to gather on-the-ground content necessary for the success of your campaigns.

Video Editing

Video Editing

Professional Video Editing

We can produce campaign videos to your specifications, including logo animations. 

Our Clients

At FixIt Marketing, we work hard to ensure what we do simply enhances the impact organisations seek to have. We help connect donors, supporters and customers of organisations with the solutions they provide.

Our Impacts

Telemarketing Programs 8.6% increase in Regular Giver's converted, at 5% below budgeted expenditure.

Multi-channel direct marketing campaign: 25.3% above revenue target at 12.9% below target expenditure, leaving 54.3% more net revenue than forecast.


Customised Bequest departmental plan with detailed research, segmentation and lead scoring model, that identified over $1.2 million in potential pipeline revenue within the first year of activity.

Our Associates

FixIt has a bunch of talented and skilled friends that can help deliver on our services when we need them. They include designers, printers, consultants and photographers.

Connect and see how we can help today


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